Over the past few weeks I’ve been in a slow downward spiral (side note: I find it funny that when you type in “downward spiral” on Google images halfway down there is a picture of Lindsay Lohan… well played, Google, well played) with my healthy living efforts.
It’s been rather disheartening. So Monday night, as I lay in a coma of unhappiness because I was so unbelievably full from going to the Melting Pot with my coworkers, I decided I needed to make a serious change. And when I woke up at the crack of dawn Tuesday morning in absolute pain because my stomach was still hurting, I reaffirmed my re-commitment.
I’m stating it here because I figure if I say it “out loud” I’ll be more accountable. But probably not because I don’t do the whole “food blogging” thing. Way too much work for me.
I’ve also been in a huge rut with marathon training. Don’t know why, just haven’t felt like doing it. That’s not to say I haven’t – I’ve done all my training runs, just without my usual gusto.
Suffice it to say, when I got home from work last night I tried to be a big baby and blow off my run because I was “tired” and my legs were “sore” (from all that 40 minutes of yoga I did on Monday, yeah…) but I finally did suck it up and hop on the treadmill for a 6 mile tempo run.
It was awesome.
Thank you legs, for helping me remember that training can be fun.
I really hate when blog posts end abruptly, but I don’t have much else to say today. My hands are dry and typing is becoming annoying. I’ll leave you with this, which clearly did not make the cut for my wedding dress:
I’m already embarrassed I just posted that. Oh well. How do you deal with jumping back on the bandwagon? I don’t even know if it’s fair to say I really “fell off”. I just need to re-prioritize.