How’s that for a snazzy title, eh?! OK not really, but it made me smile a bit
Last week was a pretty good week for workouts and resting – weird, huh? Let’s look:
Monday: 25 minute HIIT workout (um, why have I not been doing more of those?!) + 2 sets, 10 reps Runner’s Weights
Tuesday: 6 miles of glorious speedwork
Wednesday: 2 mile walk + 2 sets, 10 reps Runner’s Weights
Thursday: 5.5 mile not-so-glorious tempo run
Friday: I took the day off. I was going to try to go to yoga after work but I got stuck in traffic and it didn’t happen so I just took a (much needed) rest day
Satuday: 12 (total) miles. 1 warm-up mile @ 9:09 pace, PR 10k (that recap will be up tonight or tomorrow!), 5 painfully slow miles once I was home.
Sunday: unintentional rest day… I was going to go for a nice long walk before Sean raced but we had to leave earlier than I thought we did so I didn’t get to. We didn’t get home until 4 in the afternoon and I didn’t finish grocery shopping til 6:30 in the evening and by that point I was exhausted so I just chalked it up to being a rest day and am perfectly content with that. I finished my day by making freaking AWESOME clam chowder (more on that to come too!) and napping through all our favorite tv shows. ac-tive, try not to be jealous.
That being said, the big thing missing last week was yoga. It figures that I bought an unlimited pass and didn’t go once last week (oops!) so this week I’m trying to set it up like this:
Monday: speedwork + hot yoga while the boy is watching MNF
Tuesday: 25-30 min. HIIT + 2 sets, 10 reps Runner’s Weights
Wednesday: tempo run
Thursday: 35 min incline walking or hill run + 2 sets, 10 reps Runner’s Weights + yoga
Friday: long walk or rest day depending
Saturday: 10 mile run + (maybe) hot yoga
Sunday: 3 mile easy run or yoga
See? Lots of yoga. Unlimited pass means I need to go a lot (and cancel my gym membership, just not getting any use outta that thing right now!)
I’m also trying a new thing where I plan out all my meals for the week ahead of time in an effort to scale back on our grocery bill and to cook more at home. I’m trying to give myself a few interchangeable options for breakfast/lunch everyday and plan 3 solid meals to make during the week looks something like this:
Sunday: make meal
Monday: leftovers from Sunday (I like my Monday’s as easy as possible)
Tuesday: make meal
Wednesday: free meal (leftovers)
Thursday: free meal (on my own, Sean’s at softball)
Friday: make meal
Saturday: go out or leftovers (interchangeable with Wednesday)
I’m pretty list-driven, if this whole post hasn’t already shown you that.
Do you make lists for everything too?! Um, guilty type A personality RIGHT HERE.
Do you plan your workouts each week or just do what you feel like doing? I plan them with the knowledge that I can switch anything on any given day depending on how I’m feeling and I can eliminate any non-speedwork/tempo run/long run workout as needed. Those 3 HAVE to happen though at some point.